Mar 12, 2011

B4JO 2011: I just don't feel like it!

And so I will blog about not feeling like to "Blog For Jordan" on this day for this event.I just don't feel like writing.
This feeling one sometimes get from others that his "loyalty" to the country is questioned every time, and that I need to prove that I'm "100% Jordanian" every fucking time is not working with me anymore. In fact, for quite a while, I refuse to even be put in that corner and be pushed to say things I don't necessarily feel like saying at the time.
Thank heavens, now with the "#ReformJO" movement that gathered everyone under one hashtag, my views and criticism might be shared with number of other fellow Jordanians, automatically, refuting the notion that whatever opinion I have is coming from a "Palestinian Jordan-hater".

That's that for blog about Jordan day. click "Jordan" tag for blogs on Jordan through out the year.

PS: I also don't consider these heavy weaponry songs to be "national songs", here's an example of a national song I adore:

we need more of that.